Grounding aka Earthing

Grounding aka Earthing

If you meditate you are familiar with grounding. But for those unfamiliar….read on. Grounding, also known as “earthing,” is one of the most powerful and simplest things you can do to improve your own health. What is grounding? Basically, it’s connecting directly to Earth with your bare hands and/or feet. The movie Pretty Woman had a scene about grounding. In the movie it is when Julia Roberts had Richard Gere do this by walking barefoot and “copping a squat” in a grassy area.

There are many benefits from grounding, but my top three personal favs are reducing inflammation and decreasing stress AND pain.

How can you do this in areas (like where I live) as the climate starts to get colder? You can purchase a grounding mat or sheet OR go the way of sound healers and listen to the OM frequency (the sound of Earth’s rotation in one year). Listening in person is even better because your body can feel the vibrations all the way to your cellular level but for those in need of a little peace…close your eyes and listen to this for even just 5-10 minutes with headphones on. The volume does not need to be loud. Namaste. 🥰

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